Beeldende Kunst, 1914, vol. 1,10, no. 80; Jacob-Baart de la Faille, L'Oeuvre de Vincent van Gogh, Catalogue raisonné, Dessins, Aquarelles, Lithographies, Paris & Brussels, 1928, no. 941 p. 28 ; Walther Vanbeselaere, De Hollandsche periode (1880-1885) in het werk van Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890), Antwerp & Amsterdam, 1937, pp. 78, 83, 130-1 and 408 (titled Hofje bij Sien's moeder); Jacob-Baart de la Faille, The Works of Vincent van Gogh, His Paintings and Drawings, London, 1970, no. F 941, illustrated p. 351; Jan Hulsker, 'Van Gogh's first and only commission as an artist', Vincent (Rijksmuseum Vincent Gogh bulletin), 1976, vol. IV, no. 4, illustrated pp. 5-19 ; Jan Hulsker, The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, New York, 1977, no. 146, illustrated p. 41; Jan Hulsker, The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, Oxford, 1980, no. 146, illustrated p. 41; Griselda Pollock, Vincent van Gogh and Dutch Art, dissertation, London University, 1980, illustrated p. 95 ; Griselda Pollock, "Stark encounters, modern life and urban work in van Gogh's drawings of The Hague 1881-3, Art History, vol. VI, no. 3, 1983, p. 336 and 343; Han van Crimpen and Monique Berends-Albert, Die brieven van Vincent van Gogh, The Hague, 1990, p. 571, no. 229 (old no. 200), p. 572-573, no. 203 (old no. 202), p. 576, no. 232 (old no. 203), p. 600, no. 242 (old no. 210); Michiel van der Mast & Charles Dumas (ed.), Van Gogh en Den Haag, Zwolle, 1990, no. 56, illustrated p. 50; Jacob-Baart de la Faille, Vincent van Gogh, The Complete Works on Paper, Catalogue raisonné, San Francisco, 1992, vol. I, no. 941, vol. II, illustrated pl. XXX ; Jan Hulsker, The New Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1996, no. 146, illustrated p. 41